Friday, November 8, 2013
Friday, November 1, 2013
American Pusification
Warning-This is not for the easily offended, sensitive, pansy, self denial, green people, reality show watchers, peanut butter eaters, or Freeza. If your offended, well I warned you.
It's about time everyone stopped candy coating reality.
This idea of the American Dream of Mom Dad Kid One and Kid two, simply doesn't exist.
Dad doesn't always have the best Job.
Mom doesn't always cook well.
Sometimes Brother is too fat for the football team, because mom was out at her second job and he had Doritos's for dinner. And Sister's to ugly for the squad.
And from time to time, dad doesn't attend church on Sunday because he would rather watch the game in his underwear.
People, STOP OVER REACTING TO SHIT!! Life sucks, get used to it. Your not always going to like what someone has to say, and sometimes people aren't going to like you, simply because you look funny. The world has went insane. In May berry, if brother had tp'd the principals yard he would have had to clean it up and get a talking to...Now he would be hit with Vandalism, trespassing, and have a month of community service or a few weeks in a juvenile detention facility and expelled from school. Let's stop being retarded and legalize green already. And stop locking up America's youth for something less lethal that a McDonald's hamburger and less dangerous than a car ride (to get the burger duh!).
I never know if I am supposed to say Black or African American, Midget or little person, Mentally challenged or Mentally handicap. So how about this, I don't give a hoot! I highly doubt I am going to offend someone with down syndrome for saying they are challenged vs handicap. Because that SD kid is just as happy as he can be and doesn't give a F*. What I might hurt little Sue's feelings by telling her that her hair is frizzy. But instead of going home and popping about 30 Tylenol. She could simply say "Rachael Kiss my a** your wearing the same jeans you wore yesterday, and that gut ain't getting any tighter" AND MOVE ON WITH HER LIFE!!
Let's stop pretending that the only poor people live in Africa. Yes as scary as it sounds you got poor people all around you. And were just waiting to get out piece of that pie. And from time to time, we are going to take it!! Yes middle class, their is a slight chance you will be robbed. But lets not all board up our windows at once. Because guess whatt, the sunlight is good for you.. And for once you can try getting vitamin D from IT instead of a bottle.
My goodness people loosen up already. As your sitting on your couch at night watching the nightly news shivering at the thought. Why not just change the channel to something funny and have a laugh. And stop taking everything so dang seriously. It's all over in 2012 anyway, am I right?
Were all a bunch of greedy, self centered, materialistic, vain pieces of meat. Deal with it!! Embrace it, I'm not saying be rude all the time, but damn if people were more honest, we would all be a little less sensitive wouldn't we? And little Sue wouldn't have to wait until she's 30 to realize she's a little to fat to get laid anymore. This is something we used to find out in grade school as out heads were shoved down a toilet. Everyone gets bullied. A couple purple nurples and fat jokes never killed anyone. But that antidepressant you take everyday to not deal with your insecurity has.
KIDS- Reality T.V. is not real. The only real think that ever happened on reality T.V is when Snokie was punched in the face. Because you can't go around acting that retarded without getting B* slapped eventually.
And another thing that annoys me, anti bacterial hand sanitizer. Geez people get a grip!! Your immune system is their for a reason. Let it do it's job every now and then so it can work properly. The human race has continued for thousands of years without it! These moms now are spraying their kids with Lysol every time someone sneezes. O_o My god people the Flu isn't what it used to be. But good luck fighting it off when every time you have had a sniffle since infancy some doctor shoved antibiotics down your throat. Here's something you just might not know. Your body developed an immunity to those things after a while. Penicillin only works so long before your body renders it useless. So lets make it count. You never know when you will be approached by a hooker in the Wendy's parking lot at 5 in the morning. Your going to need it to take care of that itch that comes a few days later.
And for god sakes people let your children watch the fight scenes in Dragon Ball Z. Did you know they are cutting the good ones out now? WTF (in fact that's what this is all about) If I can't watch Goku put a hurtin on Freeza, I just don't know whatt I am living for anymore. Yes one out of every 3 million just might to see that (epic) fight and go shoot up the school. But I think it's a small price to pay to see Goku go supper saiyan on Freeza's a**!!
I hate rap music! (there it is)
Why our children are really messed up!
Everyday you see some snooty news anchor or author get on your television or computer screen telling their theory on why kids are so messed up these days. You hear crap like, kids aren't getting enough time with the parent or children aren't getting enough attention so they went and blew up the school or bullied someone. I will tell you my opinion on why kids are so messed up and it's rather simple. Parents! Television! and this media driven social movement to put the little pricks on a pedestal.
The Disney Channel and other television stations aimed at children and young adults- I don't know when the last time any of you actually watched the Disney channel but have you noticed that every kid on there acts like a little smart ass and runs around talking to adults as if they are smarter and superior? Just watch for ten minutes and you will see exactly what I mean. If I had talked to my mother like that I sure wouldn't be here to rant about this now. She would have slapped me back in time so that my grandmother could slap me back. Then you have shows on MTV like teen mom that make it seem to young girls that if you do have a child that young you can just throw it off on your parents and do whatever you want.
Medications/Parental Excuses- Instead of really dealing with children's emotional problems that the parent likely caused, they dope there kids up on a million medications and call it depression or ADHD. "My child isn't weird, he is just socially awkward." "My child doesn't misbehave, he just has ADHD." "My child isn't a bully, he just plays too hard." "My child isn't dumb, he is just a slow learner" "My child doesn't throw temper tantrums, he just has anxiety issues." Blah Blah Blah. Why can't parents admit that their children are just little shit's and it's their fault because either you beat the hell out of them or never punished them at all. There is a balance to be maintained and it isn't to hard to see the line. As long as you stay somewhat close to it most of the time your kids will be alright.
Video Games and other Virtual forms of Entertainment- Fine in moderation but...What happened to kids playing outside some? They sit around all day with no form of exercise. It's no wonder we have an obesity epidemic. Which brings me to my next point...
Obesity- I think it should be considered a form of child abuse to feed your brats nothing but cheese burgers and cookies all day. Feed the little prick an apple every now and then and he will thank you later when he manages to keep his head out of a toilet and get laid one day. He will thank you for not having heart problems before he is thirty.
Dressing our children like adults- There is just no reason to dress your four year old in a mid drift and skinny jeans. Children should not look sexy...ever. Do you really want pedophiles looking at your young daughter? Or your 13 year old looking 18? and please stop teaching your child to have pride in their appearance and teach them to have pride in their accomplishments. If a kid grows up getting attention for looking like a barbie doll they are going to be in for a rude awakening when those looks go to shit and they realize that they are nothing without them.
Not all children are automatically winners- Some kids are dumb, instead of telling them they are, teach them. In the real world there are winners and there are losers. Most people win sometimes, and lose sometimes. Childhood should be the same way. If you constantly tell your kid they did a good job when they don't they aren't going to make it in the real world. Their boss isn't going to sugar coat it for them so why do you? Instead of teaching false confidence, teach them to have confidence despite their mistakes, them keep trying.
Lazy kids- All kids need chores. Lazy kids become lazy adults.
Spanking is NOT abuse and Bullying Builds Character- Yea I said it. A little bullying is not going to kill anyone, toughen the sensitive little brat up some. Kids are going to get bullied when they grow up from their boss. They have to realize early on that there are douche bags out there and you are going to encounter them everyday. So you might as well get used to it early and learn to stand up for yourself. Kids need to be spanked when they are young (not excessively).
Oh Yea. Lets tell them NO from time to time!!
So can we please give the over parenting a rest and stop bullshitting our kids please? Can we stop over medicating them and let them play outside some? Maybe we should stop giving every kid a trophy and sugar coating life for them. Then just maybe we will have a couple less over medicated, under educated, materialistic, whiny ass adults in the world.
Why you really have no privacy
Choice Point- The easy explanation: Choice Point is data base company that stores information on you. You have probably never heard of this company or others like it. But it's heard of you. Company's, the government, and potential employers are able to purchase this information on you. The suspected information such as your criminal background is included but it also includes your street address, your credit score, things you have purchased, and just about anything else they can dig up on you.
The Patriot Act- (1) The government may search and seize Americans' papers and effects without probable cause to assist terror investigation. (2) The government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records if they tell anyone the government subpoenaed information related to a terror investigation.> So not only can the government access your personal records, the keeper of those records will be prosecuted if they tell you about it. I have a lot more beef with the patriot act. Papers and effects includes your email, phone records, credit score, and any other documented information on you.
Social Media- We are all aware that social media sites sell your information to marketers. But did you also know that many employers also search social media sites prior to and during your employment? Why your relationship status and the activities of your weekend has anything to do with your ability to perform a job is beyond me.
Google- Google retains all of your searches. The searches can be used against you in court and are often sold to marketers as well.
Personal Email- Don't live under the illusion that your personal email is in anyway personal. Each email that you send is stored in a data base to be used against you at anytime. Say for instance you send an email joking about committing any sort of crime. Under the laws of the Patriot Act this is enough to warrant an arrest and conviction.
Cell Phone- Cell phone companies retail all of your phone call information and can be used against you whenever the government decides to. But it isn't just the government that can access this information, almost any regular person can purchase your personal phone records on the internet or through a private investigator.
So I leave you with one of my favorite quotes "Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither."- Ben Franklin. Laws that allow this type of breach in your privacy do not offer you security as most assume. They simply hinder your right to separate your personal and professional life and enable the government and businesses to spy on you for there own personal gain.
** an update
In 2007 during President Obama's campaign he slammed the Patriot act stating "There will no longer be any illegal wire tapping of American citizens".
Then in 2012 he extended the Patriot Act.......... In other words you can't trust any government official to actually do anything about this. It appears that this extreme violation of due process will remain.
It looks like the bill of rights is a distant dream:
Article the sixth ...... The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
** an update
In 2007 during President Obama's campaign he slammed the Patriot act stating "There will no longer be any illegal wire tapping of American citizens".
Then in 2012 he extended the Patriot Act.......... In other words you can't trust any government official to actually do anything about this. It appears that this extreme violation of due process will remain.
It looks like the bill of rights is a distant dream:
Article the sixth ...... The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
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