Warning-This is not for the easily offended, sensitive, pansy, self denial, green people, reality show watchers, peanut butter eaters, or Freeza. If your offended, well I warned you.
It's about time everyone stopped candy coating reality.
This idea of the American Dream of Mom Dad Kid One and Kid two, simply doesn't exist.
Dad doesn't always have the best Job.
Mom doesn't always cook well.
Sometimes Brother is too fat for the football team, because mom was out at her second job and he had Doritos's for dinner. And Sister's to ugly for the squad.
And from time to time, dad doesn't attend church on Sunday because he would rather watch the game in his underwear.
People, STOP OVER REACTING TO SHIT!! Life sucks, get used to it. Your not always going to like what someone has to say, and sometimes people aren't going to like you, simply because you look funny. The world has went insane. In May berry, if brother had tp'd the principals yard he would have had to clean it up and get a talking to...Now he would be hit with Vandalism, trespassing, and have a month of community service or a few weeks in a juvenile detention facility and expelled from school. Let's stop being retarded and legalize green already. And stop locking up America's youth for something less lethal that a McDonald's hamburger and less dangerous than a car ride (to get the burger duh!).
I never know if I am supposed to say Black or African American, Midget or little person, Mentally challenged or Mentally handicap. So how about this, I don't give a hoot! I highly doubt I am going to offend someone with down syndrome for saying they are challenged vs handicap. Because that SD kid is just as happy as he can be and doesn't give a F*. What I might hurt little Sue's feelings by telling her that her hair is frizzy. But instead of going home and popping about 30 Tylenol. She could simply say "Rachael Kiss my a** your wearing the same jeans you wore yesterday, and that gut ain't getting any tighter" AND MOVE ON WITH HER LIFE!!
Let's stop pretending that the only poor people live in Africa. Yes as scary as it sounds you got poor people all around you. And were just waiting to get out piece of that pie. And from time to time, we are going to take it!! Yes middle class, their is a slight chance you will be robbed. But lets not all board up our windows at once. Because guess whatt, the sunlight is good for you.. And for once you can try getting vitamin D from IT instead of a bottle.
My goodness people loosen up already. As your sitting on your couch at night watching the nightly news shivering at the thought. Why not just change the channel to something funny and have a laugh. And stop taking everything so dang seriously. It's all over in 2012 anyway, am I right?
Were all a bunch of greedy, self centered, materialistic, vain pieces of meat. Deal with it!! Embrace it, I'm not saying be rude all the time, but damn if people were more honest, we would all be a little less sensitive wouldn't we? And little Sue wouldn't have to wait until she's 30 to realize she's a little to fat to get laid anymore. This is something we used to find out in grade school as out heads were shoved down a toilet. Everyone gets bullied. A couple purple nurples and fat jokes never killed anyone. But that antidepressant you take everyday to not deal with your insecurity has.
KIDS- Reality T.V. is not real. The only real think that ever happened on reality T.V is when Snokie was punched in the face. Because you can't go around acting that retarded without getting B* slapped eventually.
And another thing that annoys me, anti bacterial hand sanitizer. Geez people get a grip!! Your immune system is their for a reason. Let it do it's job every now and then so it can work properly. The human race has continued for thousands of years without it! These moms now are spraying their kids with Lysol every time someone sneezes. O_o My god people the Flu isn't what it used to be. But good luck fighting it off when every time you have had a sniffle since infancy some doctor shoved antibiotics down your throat. Here's something you just might not know. Your body developed an immunity to those things after a while. Penicillin only works so long before your body renders it useless. So lets make it count. You never know when you will be approached by a hooker in the Wendy's parking lot at 5 in the morning. Your going to need it to take care of that itch that comes a few days later.
And for god sakes people let your children watch the fight scenes in Dragon Ball Z. Did you know they are cutting the good ones out now? WTF (in fact that's what this is all about) If I can't watch Goku put a hurtin on Freeza, I just don't know whatt I am living for anymore. Yes one out of every 3 million just might to see that (epic) fight and go shoot up the school. But I think it's a small price to pay to see Goku go supper saiyan on Freeza's a**!!
I hate rap music! (there it is)
I wrote this in 2011 so please forgive the 2012 apocalypse reference. Most of it still applies today.